Wednesday 30 August 2017

Three On-page SEO Tools For startup

Google Keyword Planner and webmaster tools. 

Google webmaster tools are a great way to find how well your website is doing and what is your viewer’s feedback on it, plus providing you a detail note on how the search engines are treating or thinking about your website. The tool can as well help you resolve indexing issues your site is having or perform other tweaks to take out the bugs in it. Google Keyword Planner in webmaster tools check the details on your site keywords, suggested bids, searched content’s volume which can monthly or weekly, data searches and keywords which were used by viewers to get to your site link. Such results are pretty helping to keep an eye on your website.

Google search console.

The tool delivers an accurate idea of how and where your site might end up on Google search engine. It highlights the search appearance regarding structured data, mobile optimization, HTML errors, data content and its quality etc. It helps you to keep an eye on a number of backlinks to your site, XML sitemap errors, bot crawling errors, Internal linking of your pages of a single website, broken links details, Notices loading errors, how many clicks per month and locations from where the clicks were made, friendliness of your site on mobile environment etc. Basically, it’s a complete tool for your website from audience analysis to your site behavior. Adding up those pages which need to index or deleting those which are not needed.

Seo-friendly URL checker.

Seo-friendly URLs are those which are easy to read with human eyes, Short and contains no connecting words, dashes or underscores. A friendly URL will contain a maximum of 2 keywords related to the topic so it’ll be extremely easy to remember it. Seo professionals often don't pay attention to it their web addresses look too long and gibberish. They will be hard for Google bots to verify the actual topic so it can index them plus users will be unable to remember them. This tool actually helps you determine your URL’s quality. It determines a score of how friendly your site is for SEO. Simply pasting your main address and this tool will automatically determine each and every URL of different pages and will result in a score. It is an amazing tool to quickly analyze the URL scoring.
source: SEO URL checker